Why do most Hindi speakers use ‘Ji’?
Growing up in North India, the way Ji added respect to everyone’s name always fascinated me. While living in Chennai a couple of years back, I have heard people using Ji as well. Ever wondered where it came from?
Apparently, there’s an interesting North Indian folktale that is linked to the origin of death itself!
Once, when the world was fresh off God’s hands, They crafted man and woman from ashes, hiding Themself thereafter. Calling out to the first created man, God got an unexpected Hoon instead of the respectful Haan Ji.
This small act cost the man everlasting life, leaving only ashes upon his death. Today, when we scratch ourselves, we see traces of those ashes. So, the next time you hear someone say Ji, remember this folktale! It’s a beautiful reminder of the power of respect and the importance of treating others well.

Read similar Indian folktale and horror stories about haunted places in India’s Most Haunted.
Click to Buy India’s Most Haunted to read more such Indian folktale of horror and macabre.
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